Homeland Security
The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security is striving to ensure our commonwealth's communities, first responders, and families have the resources they need to be ready and prepared.
The Kentucky Fire Commission/State Fire Rescue Training assists the Kentucky Office of Homeland Security as preparedness partners working each day to make this vision a reality.
The Kentucky Office of Homeland Security is committed to providing the Commonwealth's first responders and all other organizations who may be called upon to respond and/or participate in a weapons of mass destruction incident or any other incident of national significance. They have the training necessary to safely and effectively manage the incident.
These trainings are designed to meet the varying needs of Kentucky's first responder. They include reaching multiple disciplines, through training and awareness, performance and planning/management levels, and employing the most appropriate medium for the particular audience.
Mobile Facilities
The Kentucky Fire Commission-State Fire Rescue Training operates mobile facilities to support our involvement in Homeland Security Training.
The units are based out of the District 3 Office and are staffed by Kentucky Fire Commission personnel.
Two units carry a cache of equipment for providing for setting up simulated emergency operations centers (EOCs), including computers, phones, radios, flip charts, projection units, printers, and fax machines. In addition, equipment for setting up multiple classrooms resides with these units.
A mobile interoperable communications and coordination facility is available for use to support simulation centers for exercises.
For more information, contact (270) 273-3187.