Notification of Reduction of Firefighter Training Hours
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the Governor’s Executive Orders on social distancing and limiting group size, we realize that this has put a hardship on trying to train and thereby understand your department may have difficulty meeting the required training hours for 2020.
Taking this into consideration, the Kentucky Fire Commission Board has passed the following motions to assist the departments and firefighters.
Volunteer Fire Departments
- 20-hour requirement for volunteer firefighters has been extended for 6 (six) months until June 30, 2021. This will be for 2020 training ONLY.
- Starting July 1, 2021 training will be counted on a fiscal year, same as State Aid.
Career Firefighters
- The required 100 hours of training in a calendar year has been reduced to 70 (seventy) hours for 2020 ONLY.
- The required 100 hours of training will remain on a calendar year for 2021.
As always, our staff will be available to answer any questions you may have regarding these requirements. Please do not hesitate to contact us.