FY2023 Thermal Imaging Camera - 4-Gas Monitor Grant Distribution Information
The Kentucky Fire Commission is pleased announce that fire departments that have been awarded a Thermal Imaging Camera and/or 4-gas Meter through our Grant Program will have equipment distributed at the SFRT district office serving their department on the following dates and times (all times local time zone):
District Dates Times
District 4 July 12 & 13 1800-2100 (12th) & 0800-1100 (13th)
District 4 office
District 13 July 25 & 26 1600-2000 (25th) & 0900-1200 (26th)
District 13 office
District 15 July 27 0900-1500
District 15 office
District 6 August 9 & 10 1600-1800 (9th) & 0900-1200 (10th)
District 6 office
District 9 August 11 0900-1600
District 9 office
District 7 August 15 0900-1500
District 7 office
Districts 2 & 3 August 23 & 24 1700-2100 (23rd) & 0900-1200 (24th) Fire
Academy of KY
District 5 August 24 & 25 1700-2100 (24th) & 0900-1200 (25th)
District 5 office
District 12 August 26 1000-1600
Hazard Fire School
A representative from your department must sign for the equipment at the time of pickup. Representatives are not permitted to pick up or sign for equipment awarded to departments they are not a member of.
Departments must be in compliance with State Aid in order to pick up equipment. If your department is unsure of your State Aid compliance status, please email fdstateaid@kctcs.edu PRIOR to picking up the equipment.
If you have any questions regarding this grant or equipment pickup, please email firegrants@kctcs.edu.
We look forward to seeing you on your pickup date.