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KyFIRES Junior Firefighter Sub-Organization Notification

Apr 22, 2021

The Fire Commission is proud of the junior firefighter programs many departments in our state offer. Junior programs allow youth the opportunity to learn about fire and emergency services organizations in a safe, supervised, controlled, educational and fun manner, and foster a solid pathway for these juniors to be retained on departments as trained firefighters once they age out of the junior program. Currently, we have 358 registered programs and over 550 active juniors across the Commonwealth.

For departments with junior programs, these programs are listed as a sub-organization of the main department in KyFIRES and are designated with a “JF” at the end of the department name (for example – the junior firefighter program sub organization of “City Department 09999” would be listed as “City Department 09999JF”).

When adding juniors to your roster, please ensure their Organization is listed as the sub-organization/JF of your department, that their Title/Rank is designated as Junior Firefighter, their Employment Type is Volunteer and their Appointment Type is Part-Time. All juniors must be active on the roster and have a firefighter number prior to beginning training per Workers Compensation regulations. Juniors should have their training hours entered in KyFIRES, same as other members of your department.

If your department has a junior program that is not listed as a sub-organization to your main department account, please email to request set up. Remember that your program must be registered with the Fire Commission in order for juniors to be covered under the Workers Compensation program. If your program has not been registered, please fill out and submit the Junior Program Notification form to the Fire Commission office.  If you are unsure if your department’s program is registered with the Fire Commission, a link of registered programs is available on the junior program page on our website. 

Note that the junior firefighter program in Kentucky is only open to youth ages 15-17.

For additional information on the junior firefighter program, please visit the Fire Commission website:

If you have any questions concerning the junior firefighter program, please contact Jeremy Rodgers at