Disaster Assistance Opportunity

The torrential rain of February 15, 2025, followed by the overnight snowfall, have left multiple fire departments inundated with floodwaters in the southeastern Kentucky area. Multiple mutual aid departments from across Kentucky have been dispatched to the area to provide assistance.

But assistance from your department is also needed. Fire departments have lost many sets of personal protective equipment and other equipment stored in these affected stations. 

Here is your opportunity to help by donating PPE and equipment to be gathered and distributed to those in need. The Green River Firefighters Association will accept and process donated equipment during the Bryant Stiles Officers School beginning next Friday in Owensboro. Please bring any available donated equipment to the Owensboro Convention Center February 21-23 so we can get it loaded on a trailer and shipped to eastern Kentucky.

Thank you in advance for your assistance and keep these responders in your thoughts as they continue to protect their communities during this difficult time!!