State Fire Rescue Training

Well-trained responders are needed when emergency events, small to large, natural and manmade, occur. These responders must be prepared for all hazards.
A full range of educational programs can be provided by State Fire Rescue Training (SFRT) instructors, from the basic to the advanced, including:
- Fire Prevention and Fire Suppression
- Response to Technical Rescue Incidents
- Emergency Medical Services
- Response to Hazardous Materials Incidents
- Leadership and Management
All disciplines of emergency response are served by SFRT-delivered training, including fire departments, rescue squads, emergency medical services, local governments, businesses, and industries.
State Fire Rescue Training works through 12 district offices strategically placed across Kentucky. Each district office can provide our full range of training programs and services. SFRT is committed to meeting any education needs of current or future reponders.
SFRT is funded to provide 21 clock hours of training into each of Kentucky's fire departments. Additional training is provided as funding is available.
SFRT instructors provide instructional materials. The host department is responsible for providing a location for the class and any apparatus and equipment needed for hands on training.
State Fire Rescue Training is a leading provider of emergency services training for all sectors of the emergency response spectrum, including fire departments, EMS services, rescue squads, emergency management, public health, transportation, and community response agencies.
Standard and customized courses are available. Courses are based on educational standards developed by these and other organizations.
State Fire Rescue Training offers many classes that help businesses, industries, and governmental agencies meet regulatory requirements to provide a safe and healthy workplace, incluing medical, fire, safety and hazardous materials response. Customized training can be scheduled upon the needs of the organization.
State Fire Rescue Training is the largest provider of emergency medical services training in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.
SFRT provides programs meeting certification and re-certification requirements. Programs are based on nationally recognized standards and follow the guidelines of the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services (KBEMS).
Mission & Vision
The mission of State Fire Rescue Training is to plan, direct, and administer a quality, comprehensive and uniformly delivered training program through the most efficient use of available resources to assist in meeting the training needs of fire, rescue and other emergency services personnel so that lives and property may be saved more safely and effectively. In addition, to provide health and safety training programs for industries, institution, government agencies and other such entities to assist in meeting their training needs mandated by federal, state and local laws.
The vision of State Fire Rescue Training is to be recognized as a national leader in providing comprehensive educational programs for current and future emergency responders at the local, regional, state and national levels.