Accredited Certification
99 Lake Park Drive, Morehead, KY 40351
(606) 462-2145 | ifsacaccreditedcertification@kctcs.edu
Christy Rodgers - Accredited Certification Coordinator
Kayla Sisk - Accredited Certification Specialist
Certification Levels
- Airport Firefighter
- Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue Awareness
- Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue Operations
- Common Passenger Vehicle Rescue Technician
- Driver Operator - Aerial
- Driver Operator - Mobile Water Supply
- Driver Operator - Pumper
- Fire Inspector I
- Fire Instructor I
- Fire Instructor II
- Fire Officer I
- Fire Officer II
- Fire Officer III
- Fire Officer IV
- Firefighter I
- Firefighter II
- Hazardous Materials Awareness
- Hazardous Materials Operations - Product Control
- Live Fire Instructor
- Live Fire Instructor In-Charge
- Rope Rescue Awareness
- Rope Rescue Operations
- Rope Rescue Technician
- Small Unmanned Aircraft
Firefighter I & II Skills Testing
Skills testing for IFSAC Firefighter I & II are a random sampling of all possible skills in each certification level. Candidates are required to perform one (1) skill at each station, out of multiple skill possibilities at each station.
Candidates are required to test in NFPA 1971 compliant PPE and SCBA. Candidates are exposed to potential IDLH atmospheres with live-fire scenarious during both Firefighter I and Firefighter II skills, must be clean-shaven and do not have facial hair that impedes the facepiece seal and the face.
Written Testing
Written testing for IFSAC certification candidates is scheduled through the SFRT district office serving the firefighter's department. Effective January 1, 2025, there will be an exam fee of $50 per attempt for each written IFSAC test.
Additional information can be viewed on the Kentucky Accredited Certification Office website.