For Sale
The Fire Commission will list equipment and apparatus for sale or for give-away, or equipment and apparatus fire departments are in need of, for 30 days.
Items to be listed on this page must be provided to the Fire Commission in a "ready-to-publish" format (in PDF or JPG), and emailed to kyfirecommission@kctcs.edu.
Items For Sale
- (3/10/2025) The Eubank Vol. Fire Dept. has for sale a 1992 Grumman 102 ft. platform aerial truck with current ladder test and pump test. 40,626 actual miles, 5,331.2 hours Detroit engine, Allison automatic transmission, Waterous 1500 GPM pump, Truck is in service, selling due to it's just to big for our needs. Willing to consider trade to 55 - 75 stick ladder truck. Asking price of $20.000 or best offer. Pictures on request at eubankfire522@gmail.com or for more info.
- 1998 Chevrolet Tahoe - Middle Creek Fire Department; bids accepted through end of April
Items Needed
- Greenup Fire Department – We are looking for a few items to be used with our training prop that we are putting together. Out of service stuff is preferred: 2- Roof ladders, 4- 50' sections of 1-1/2 or 1-3/4 cloth hose; contact Chief Steve Warrick at firechief9008@aol.com .
- The Pippa Passes Fire Department is looking for a pumper that runs, drives and pumps good, for under $25,000. Please email eddiescarberry@alc.edu.