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Thermal Imaging Camera Grants

During fireground operations, a thermal imaging camera (TIC) is indispensable. This handheld tool assists firefighters in seeing through smoke, monitoring fire spread, locating hot spots and saving lives. A goal of the Kentucky Fire Commission is to ensure every department throughout the Commonwealth has at least one TIC within their department. Fire departments formed under KRS Chapter 65, 75, 95, or 273 shall be eligible to receive grants through the Fire Commission’s Thermal Imaging Camera Grant Program.

Fire departments may apply for the grant during the annual application period. Grants are awarded based upon the date stamp return of the application and the number of cameras the department currently has. Departments awarded this grant will be notified upon approval from the Fire Commission board. In an effort to streamline the Thermal Imaging Camera Grant Program and reduce paperwork, the Kentucky Fire Commission will be making all purchases and awarding the camera to the departments chosen.

**NOTE: KRS 95A.440 requires a two-year non-eligibility period. If your department was awarded this grant in the past two fiscal years, the department is NOT eligible to apply during the current year. **

For additional information about the Thermal Vision Grant Program, or to submit an application, please email:


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KRS 95A.440