Line of Duty Benefits
Line of Duty Disability
Firefighters who have become permanently and totally disabled may be eligible for funds to help defray the cost of both life and health insurance. The requirements for eligibility are in KRS 95A.070.
The spouse, and any child, of a permanently and totally disabled volunteer firefighter injured while in active service or in training for active service may be eligible for free tuition at a state supported university, community college, or vocational training institution for up to thirty-six (36) months in order to obtain a diploma. Additional information can be found under KRS 164.2842.
Line of Duty Death
Pursuant to KRS 61.315, a firefighter who has lost their life as a direct result of an act in the line of duty shall receive a lump-sum payment of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) if there are no surviving children, which sum shall be paid by the State Treasurer from the general expenditure fund of the State Treasury. If there are surviving children and a surviving spouse, the payment shall be apportioned equally among the surviving children and the spouse. If there is no surviving spouse, the payment shall be made to the surviving children, eighteen (18) or more years of age. For surviving children less than eighteen (18) years of age, the State Treasurer shall:
Pay thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) to the surviving children; and
Hold forty-five thousand dollars ($45,000) in trust divided into equal accounts at
appropriate interest rates for each surviving child until the child reaches the age
of eighteen (18) years.
The spouse, and any child, of a firefighter who died as a result of a line of duty
injury may be eligible for free tution at a state supported university, community
college, or vocational training. Additional information can be found under KRS 164.2841.
Questions regarding the Line of Duty Benefit Program should be directed via email to fc.operations@kctcs.edu or via telephone at (859) 256-3180.