Thermal Imaging Camera Grants
During fireground operations, a thermal imaging camera (TIC) is indispensable. This handheld tool assists firefighters in seeing through smoke, monitoring fire spread, locating hot spots and saving lives.
A goal of the Kentucky Fire Commission is to ensure every department throughout the Commonwealth has at least one TIC within their department. Fire departments formed under KRS Chapters 65, 75, 95, or 273 shall be eligible to receive grants through the Fire Commission’s Thermal Imaging Camera Grant Program.
Fire departments may apply for the grant during the annual application period. Grants are awarded based upon the date stamp return of the application, eligibility as per KRS 95A.440 and 739 KAR 2:130, and selection by the Fire Commission Grants Committee. Fire departments must also be in compliance with the Fire Commission's State Aid program, if the department receives State Aid.
Fire departments awarded a TIC are responsible for purchasing a TIC and must present proof of purchase, cancelled check and the manufacturer serial number before being issued reimbursement for purchase of an awarded camera.
**NOTE: KRS 95A.440 requires a two-year non-eligibility period. Departments awarded this grant in the previous two fiscal years are NOT eligible to apply during the current year. **
Questions regarding the Thermal Imaging Camera Grant Program should be directed via email to firegrants@kctcs.edu or via telephone at (859) 256-3616.